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BCONE’s First Annual Meeting a Success

18 Nov 2021 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Held on Nov 9, 2021, and attended by over 40 enthusiastic members, the BCONE Board of Directors provided a year in review of BCONE activities, the current and proposed budget revenue sources and expenditures and an introduction to the new committee structure.  Click here for a complete copy of the meeting’s PowerPoint presentation. 

The attendees were extremely helpful in providing answers to 9 poll questions found here, assisting the Board in its decisions on what type of events to hold in 2022, whether they should be virtual or in person and other input.

If you did NOT attend the Annual meeting, but want to make your voice heard, send us an email at, and let us know your answer to the poll questions, your recommendations for 2022 events and activities, and let us know which committee you want to join so you can help direct the future of YOUR BCONE.

Here are some suggestions we heard from attendees; let us know what you think and feel free to add to the list:

  1. Top Golf for a networking event.
  2. Put up more Success Stories (and feature them in events/courses). Would love to!  Send us the stories.
  3. Food pairings with wine or with beer as a networking event. How about a beer and bacon pairing?
  4. Select a charity to feature for awareness at every event.
  5. Work with existing mentoring groups in our BCONE region  and offer Internships.             
  6. Create a revenue goal for 2022, and have a giant thermometer on website or at Board Meetings to show how BCONE is doing meeting the goal.
  7. Social media training for BCONE members.

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c/o Cherrytree Group
287 Auburn Street
Newton, MA 02466

Phone: 833-240-0208

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Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast is a nonprofit organization 501(C)(3) and all gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Every contributor to our Organization is recommended to consult their tax advisor for further information.

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