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High levels of toxic chemical found at G.W. Lisk site in Clifton Springs

04 Dec 2023 11:09 AM | Michael Lazo (Administrator)

Finger Lakes Times (NY)

The G.W. Lisk Co. manufacturing site in Clifton Springs has been identified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) as having dangerously high levels of trichloroethene (TCE), a toxic chemical used in industrial processes.

The DEC's Region 8 office in Avon, after reviewing a Remedial Investigation Report prepared by the company, has determined that the site poses a significant threat to public health and the environment due to the elevated levels of TCE in the groundwater, according to the Finger Lakes Times.

The report highlighted that the levels of TCE found in the site's overburden groundwater are 340 times higher than the state's permissible limits, measuring at 1,700 micrograms per liter.

For the entire article, see<>

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