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More green space, recreation: Middletown’s brownfields study nears final phase

07 Sep 2016 3:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Kathleen Schassler, Middletown Press (CT)

The environmental science and engineering firm contracted by the city submitted its final analysis this week for Middletown on the Move, a grant-funded initiative that focuses on brownfield rehabilitation, health education and ideas to create active places and green spaces for residents.

The city last year won a $143,970 grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study brownfields for possible recreational reuse. The initiative seeks to create healthier, friendlier neighborhoods that are safe places to walk, bike and be active.

Brownfields are sites that are vacant or underused because of contamination or potential contamination from oil, chemicals or other toxic substances. Though there are about 200 designed brownfield parcels in the local region, the consultant group has reduced the number of properties considered to six, according to Patrice Barrett, the city’s brownfield community outreach coordinator.


For the entire article, see

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