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Brownfields fewer as Fairfield cleans up for redevelopment

23 Oct 2016 5:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

by Kevin Zimmerman, Westfair Online (CT)

Municipalities across the state are increasing their rehabilitation of brown!eld sites, including several notable examples within Fair!eld County.

The assessment, remediation and redevelopment of such long-vacant properties - some abandoned for dec - into usable and taxable commercial and residential parcels has the potential to revitalize previously ignore estate as never before.

On the state level, the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is taking a leading role, doling out grants and loans to qualifying towns and cities "to develop speci!c, actionable plans that will clean multiple brown!elds, leverage private investment, and bring jobs and new economic activity to long-dormant corridors throughout the state," said DECD Deputy Commissioner Tim Sullivan.

"These sites are everywhere," he said. "We have a process of determining what towns and what projects in tho towns qualify" for !nancial aid. "Generally they apply to us, but if we hear of something that we think we could address, we'll get in contact with them."


For the entire article, see

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