@HodgonRossLLP provides detailed summary of new financial incentives and stakeholder benefits in New York State for the redevelopment of underutilized properties with alternative energy and beneficial use outcomes. @jdsupra
Brownfields, landfills, and other underutilized sites are attracting renewable energy developers now more than ever. In recent months, New York State has sent strong market signals that will drive development to these sites, so they can be put back into beneficial reuse. The State’s leveraging of incentive dollars is meant to assist in offsetting the historical risk aversion to such redevelopment and ensure smart siting that benefits host communities in a myriad of ways. The State has coupled the increased incentives that will be available to project developers with community-based incentives, such as offsets of ratepayer bills, aimed at further encouraging local governments to seek out these types of redevelopments on certain controlled sites, as well as finding other ways to make these types of sites advantageous to developers.
Posted August 10, 2020