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Promoting More Equitable Brownfield Redevelopment

16 Nov 2020 3:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

A critique of the Brownfields concept from the Lincoln Institute.

Nancey Green Leigh

Because many brownfield sites are located in areas with depressed property values, the cost of remediation and redevelopment can be greater than the expected resale value. These sites, referred to here as low-to-no market value brownfields, are rarely addressed under current policies and programs. Rather, the current practice of many brownfield redevelopment projects is to select only the most marketable sites for remediation and redevelopment, essentially perpetuating the age-old "creaming" process. Private and public developers' avoidance of the lowest market value parcels typically excludes disadvantaged neighborhoods from programs aimed at redeveloping brownfields and creates the potential for widening existing inequalities between better-off and worse-off neighborhoods.


Posted November 16, 2020

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