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  • 30 Aug 2021 9:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Chris Martin, New England Real Estate Journal

    The East Providence Waterfront Commission approved an ambitious development plan that will reclaim a brownfield, provide new housing including much needed affordable units as well as vital public access to the Seekonk River.

    In Rumford along the Seekonk River and Omega Pond lies what will be East Point—a 27-acre site that will breathe new life into three long-dormant parcels. This site was last home to Ocean State Steel, which left the property in environmental ruins in 1994. The parcels have since been remediated, but what remained was a derelict eyesore on what some call one of the most beautiful stretches along the Seekonk River.

    The development team behind East Point is Noble Development, led by Richard Baccari from Churchill and Banks and rounded out by Northeast Engineers on civil design, Union Studios on architectural design and Kevin Alverson on Landscape design. East Point will add 392 single and multi-family units in addition to apartments to the housing stock in East Providence.

    For the entire article, see

  • 05 Aug 2021 4:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Ashley Onyon, Amsterdam Recorder (NY)

    The couple that holds a purchase option agreement for the former Nathan’s Waste and Paper Stock Co. on the South Side has submitted a Brownfield Cleanup Program application to the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

    The Common Council in April approved a six-month purchase option agreement for 111 Erie Terrace with Mary and Michael Keegan of Schenectady. The contract provides the husband and wife the exclusive right to purchase the property for $250 by exercising their option.

    The deal was sought by city officials and the Keegans to provide the couple time to investigate the environmental condition of the brownfield site. The roughly two acre property was operated as Nathan’s Waste and Paper Stock, a junkyard, from 1971 to 1993. A pair of partially collapsed buildings currently stand at the site that has remained vacant since the closure of the junkyard.

    For the entire article, see

    Posted August 5, 2021

  • 02 Aug 2021 1:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Buffalo News (NY)

    Mensch Capital Partners, the private group that has owned the Westwood Country Club property in Amherst for the past decade, is ready to start work on an environmental cleanup of the former golf course.

    The state Department of Environmental Conservation is seeking public comment on a proposal that Mensch submitted under the Brownfield Cleanup Program. Previous investigations found metals in the soil, so the purpose of the new study is to determine the type and extent of any contamination in the soil, surface water or ground water of the 170-acre site.

    Work will include installing and sampling soil borings, test pits and groundwater wells; testing surface water and sediments; and completing a radiation survey to see if anything is producing higher radiation levels.

    For the entire article, see

    Posted August 1, 2021

  • 20 Jul 2021 10:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We talked about PFAS during the 2021 NSCW Hot Topics Panel and will try to keep updated data on the BCONE website for our members who are interested.

    ITRC’s PFAS Team is pleased to announce the release of the updated PFAS-1 Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document. This update includes a brand new section on Surface Water Quality and significant revisions for Ecological Risk Assessment. Other sections of the document have also been selected for additional content, including information in Chemistry and Terminology, Best Management Practices for Firefighting Foams, Phase Partitioning, PFAS Uptake into Plants, Ecological Toxicology, and Site Characterization.


    The 400+ page document also includes case studies and stakeholder perspectives, discusses technical challenges in addressing PFAS, and provides additional references to relevant scientific literature. The ITRC PFAS team is continuing their work to develop more extensive updates and new content that will be published later this year.

    Posted July 20, 2021

  • 19 Jul 2021 5:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Katie Blackley, WESA Public Radio (Pittsburgh, PA)

    An “industrial wasteland.” That’s how Pittsburgh’s riverfronts were once described. More than 30 years ago, city officials and developers tried to imagine a greener, healthier future for the land along the Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio rivers.

    In many ways, they’ve succeeded — today, the Three Rivers Heritage trail spans 33 miles, with multiple planned extensions. The trails attract cyclists, runners and families, and are home to thousands of native plants and animals.

    But the road to creating a clean, nature getaway from the city’s bustling urban communities was hard.

    For the entire story, see

    Posted July 19, 2021

  • 12 Jul 2021 1:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Redevelopment project received $500,000 through Better Buffalo Fund

    Niagara Frontier Publications (NY)

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday announced completion of a $7 million project to redevelop a brownfield into affordable housing and retail space in a revitalizing part of north Buffalo. Supported by the Better Buffalo Fund and located in the heart of the Hertel Avenue Business District, the five-story mixed-use building includes ground-floor retail space, residential apartments on the upper floors, and underground parking.

    "Our efforts to build back a better New York depend on projects that bring new opportunity to residents and businesses alike," Cuomo said. "This project, like many others supported through targeted investments from the Better Buffalo Fund, is helping to transform a once-vacant site into a vibrant mixed-use space that will bring new vitality to an area of the city that is on the rise."

    For the entire release, see

    Posted July 12, 2021

  • 29 Jun 2021 2:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Vincent Gallo, Northern New York Newspapers

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe is moving forward with its Brownfield program after a brief hiatus, in order to focus on the demolition of abandoned homes and structures located on tribal land.

    The program is picking up once more, after halting production in 2019. Several Tribal programs at the time, collaborated to tear down and remove three of 25 total structures in the community that were deemed unsafe. One was located at Raquette Point while the other two were on Route 37.

    The Tribe had planned to resume work last year, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Efforts have since resumed and the Tribe has removed two additional abandoned homes, officials said.

    “The Brownfield program was put on hold in March 2020, due to the pandemic when most Tribal staff were furloughed,” SRMT Director of Communications Brendan White said Friday. “Only very limited essential service staff continued working. The Tribe slowly recalled workers with most returning between June and September.”

    For the entire article, see

    Posted June 29, 2021

  • 14 Jun 2021 9:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rhode Island energy officials say a program that encourages solar developers to build on contaminated properties has been 'very successful.’ 

    By Mary Serreze, Richmond Patch (RI) 

    The state's Office of Energy Resources (OER) announced today that it is renewing its incentive program to encourage solar developers to build their arrays on brownfields. 

    Brownfields are former industrial or commercial sites where future use is affected by environmental contamination. Such locations can be ideal for renewable energy projects, the OER said in a news release. The agency has committed an additional $1 million in state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) proceeds to the program, adding to the $2 million allocated between 2019 and 2020. 

    "Accelerating our state's adoption of clean energy resources through the utilization of previously-disturbed sites is vital to achieving our greenhouse gas emissions reduction mandates while preserving Rhode Island's natural environment," stated Energy Commissioner Nicholas S. Ucci. 

    Ucci declared that the state's program to expand solar arrays on brownfields was "very successful in its first two years." He said the program helps the state reduce carbon emissions, creates jobs, and helps cities and towns make good use of contaminated properties. 

    For the entire article, see

    Posted June 14, 2021

  • 10 Jun 2021 3:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Stephen T. Watson, Buffalo News (NY)

    For a century, critics say, the Tonawanda Coke plant released toxins that spread into the air and water throughout the surrounding neighborhoods.

    It should take just 15 seconds to bring down the plant’s most visible features – three towering smokestacks – in a controlled implosion shortly after sunrise Saturday. 

    It’ll come as a milestone in the transformation of the sprawling brownfield site.

    “Our state was built on these industries. And they are perfectly suited for the industry of tomorrow,” said developer Jon M. Williams as he drove a Buffalo News reporter and photographer on a recent tour of the property. “You’ve got water. You’ve got power. You’ve got transportation. And you’ve got scale.”

    For the entire article, see

    Posted June 10, 2021

  • 10 Jun 2021 3:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Will help underserved communities ‘Build Back Better’ and address Environmental Justice concerns

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing the selection of 151 communities to receive 154 grant awards totaling $66.5 million in Brownfields funding through its Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup (MAC) Grants. This includes $3 million for communities in Pennsylvania.

    This funding will support underserved and economically disadvantaged communities across the country in assessing and cleaning up contaminated and abandoned industrial and commercial properties. Approximately 50 percent of selected recipients will be receiving EPA Brownfields Grant funding for the first time and more than 85 percent are in small communities.

    “Through our Brownfields Program, EPA is delivering on the Biden Administration’s commitment to lifting up and protecting overburdened communities across America, especially communities that have experienced long periods of disinvestment and decay,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “These assessment and cleanup grants will not only support economic growth and job creation, but they will also empower communities to address the environmental, public health, and social issues associated with contaminated land.”

    These MAC grants include:

    • $8.8 million for 11 Multipurpose Grants, which will provide funding to conduct a range of eligible assessment and cleanup activities at one or more brownfield sites in a target area. 
    • $42.2 million for 107 Assessment Grants, which will provide funding for brownfield inventories, planning, environmental assessments, and community outreach.
    • $15.5 million for 36 Cleanup Grants, which will provide funding to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the recipient.

    The MAC grant recipients in Pennsylvania are:

    JASTECH Development Services, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Cleanup Grant $423,088

    EPA has selected JASTECH Development Services, Inc., for a Brownfields Cleanup Grant. Grant funds will be used to clean up two brownfield sites in West Philadelphia located at 6122 and 6150 Lancaster Avenue. Historically, 6122 Lancaster operated as a filling station, motorcycle repair facility, and auto repair shop and storage facility. 6150 Lancaster was formerly a building supply and construction materials company. The 6122 Lancaster site is contaminated with semi-volatile organic compounds and 6150 Lancaster is contaminated with heavy metals and hydrocarbon-related materials. Grant funds also will be used for reuse planning and community engagement activities. The sites are located in an environmental justice community.

    Butler County, Pennsylvania

    Assessment Grant $600,000

    EPA has selected Butler County for a Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant. Community-wide grant funds will be used to complete the county’s site inventory, conduct 12 Phase I and 15 Phase II environmental site assessments, and prepare four cleanup plans and two reuse plans. Grant funds also will be used to host up to 36 Steering Committee meetings and 24 public meetings. Assessment activities will focus on 14 sites throughout distressed regions of Butler County. Coalition partners are the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the County of Butler, Butler Economic Development Corporation, and the City of Butler.

    McKeesport, Pennsylvania

    Cleanup Grant $500,000

    EPA has selected the City of McKeesport for a Brownfields Cleanup Grant. Grant funds will be used to clean up the Former Penn-McKee Hotel located at 122 Fifth Avenue. The now-vacant property operated as a hotel from the 1920s until the early 1990s. Its restaurant and ballroom were the centers of social life in McKeesport. It is contaminated with inorganic materials.

    North Side Industrial Development Company, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

    Assessment Grant $600,000

    EPA has selected the North Side Industrial Development Company for a Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant. Coalition grant funds will be used to complete a site inventory and select sites for assessment, conduct 14 Phase I and 14 Phase II environmental site assessments, and complete four cleanup plans. Grant funds also will be used for community engagement, including 12 coalition meetings and 12 public meetings. Coalition partners are the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh and the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County.

    SEDA-Council of Governments, Shamokin, Pennsylvania

    Assessment Grant $300,000

    EPA has selected the SEDA-Council of Governments for a Brownfields Assessment Grant. Community-wide grant funds will be used to conduct six Phase I and three Phase II environmental site assessments. Grant funds also will be used for cleanup and reuse planning activities and to conduct community outreach activities, including the facilitation of 12 community meetings. The target area for this grant is the City of Shamokin, a former railroad, mining, and mill town. Assessment activities will focus on five priority brownfield sites located in flood zones or historic areas.

    Somerset County Economic Development Council, PA

    Assessment Grant $600,000

    EPA has selected the Somerset County Economic Development Council for a Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant. Coalition grant funds will be used to conduct 15 Phase I and 11 Phase II environmental site assessments, as well as complete four cleanup plans and prepare reuse plans for three areas. Grant funds also will be used to host 12 coalition meetings and 24 public meetings. Assessment activities will focus on 16 priority sites throughout Somerset County, with a focus on Somerset Borough. Coalition partners are Somerset Borough, Somerset, Inc., and the Redevelopment Authority of Somerset County.

    The list of all the fiscal year 2021 applicants selected for funding is available here:

    EPA anticipates that it will award the grants once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied by the selected recipients.

    Since its inception in 1995, EPA's Brownfields Program has provided nearly $1.76 billion in grants to assess and clean up contaminated properties and return them to productive reuse. This has led to significant benefits for communities across the country. For example,

    To date, communities participating in the Brownfields Program have been able to attract more than $34.4 billion in cleanup and redevelopment funding after receiving Brownfields funds. This has led to over 175,500 jobs in cleanup, construction, and redevelopment.

    Based on grant recipient reporting, recipients leveraged on average $20.13 for each EPA Brownfields dollar and 10.3 jobs per $100,000 of EPA Brownfield Grant funds expended on assessment, cleanup, and revolving loan fund cooperative agreements.

    In addition, an academic peer-reviewed study has found that residential properties near brownfield sites increased in value by 5% to 15.2% because of cleanup activities.

    Finally, analyzing data near 48 brownfields, EPA found an estimated $29 million to $97 million in additional tax revenue for local governments in a single year after cleanup—2 to 7 times more than the $12.4 million EPA contributed to the cleanup of those brownfield sites.

    For more on the Brownfields Grants:

    For more on EPA’s Brownfields Program:

    Posted June 10, 2021

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