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  • 31 Aug 2020 11:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Although City parks make up 14% of NYC’s land, the Parks Department receives only 0.6% of the budget, @mollyfraser asserts that parks and gardens are neglected and overlooked, but are necessary infrastructure for successful and healthy neighborhoods.  Improving existing or adding new recreational use as part of redevelopment projects in NYC and elsewhere are likely to be well-received.

    In 2019, NYLCV partnered with New Yorkers for Parks and DC 37 to launch the Play Fair for Parks Campaign, a multi-year effort to advocate for increased funding of parks maintenance, staff, and programming. The campaign involves a large, expanding coalition of more than 275 organizations. The Play Fair Campaign believes that investing in greenspaces makes New York City more resilient in the face of climate change and improves residents’ daily lives and overall health.


    Posted August 31, 2020

  • 24 Aug 2020 2:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In June, EPA distributed $900,000 of funding to clean up and redevelop Brownfields in Camden, NJ, Niagara County, NY, and NYC.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday announced $900,000 of supplemental funding is slated for successful brownfields revolving loan fund (RLF) programs to clean up brownfields sites in Camden (New Jersey), Niagara County and New York City. The supplemental funds are part of $6.9 million going to communities across the country that have demonstrated success in using their brownfields funds to clean up and redevelop brownfields sites. The funds will be used to continue progress in reusing vacant and abandoned properties and turning them into community assets such as housing, recreation and open space, health facilities, social services and commerce opportunities.


    Posted August 24, 2020

  • 24 Aug 2020 2:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Informative article on the shut down of coal plants, steps to reclamation/remediation.

    Coal-fired power plants across the United States shut down in 2019 at the second-fastest pace on record. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), plants with a combined total of more than 15,100 megawatts ceased operating nationwide last year — enough to power 15 million homes, and second only to the number of megawatts retired during 2015. The reasons behind these closures are many: decreasing wholesale prices, competition from comparatively cheap and plentiful alternate energy sources such as natural gas, subsidized solar and wind energy, continued compliance with federal energy regulations, and public concern over coal’s effect on climate change. 


    Posted August 24, 2020

  • 19 Aug 2020 1:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Proposals are due October 28, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST

    Key Changes to the FY21 Competition Guidelines Include:

    • COVID-19 Impacts: Entities that are experiencing technical difficulties in applying through because of operational or other issues related to COVID-19 may request to submit the application by email. See EPA’s Solicitation Clauses for more details.
    • Hazardous Substance and Petroleum Funding Requests: EPA no longer requires applicants to separate hazardous substance funding requests from petroleum funding requests. Rather, applicants will request one funding amount to address sites contaminated by hazardous substances and/or petroleum.
    • Submission Materials: The Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424 B) is no longer required at time of submission.
    • Confidential Business Information: Reminder to applicants: “EPA recommends that you do not include confidential business information (CBI) in your application. However, if CBI is included, it will be treated in accordance with 40 CFR 2.203. Applicants must clearly indicate which portion(s) of their application they are claiming as CBI.” See EPA’s Solicitation Clauses for more details.
    • Outcomes and Benefits of Reuse Strategy: If applicable, applicants are to describe how the proposed project or revitalization plans will promote the sustainable reuse of existing buildings or structures.
    • Threats to Sensitive Populations: This section has been reorganized to include “Describe how this grant will address or facilitate the identification and reduction of threats to…” in each of the three subcriteria.
    • Incorporating Community Input: Applicants are to discuss alternatives to in-person community engagements due to COVID-19 and social distancing requirements.
    • Task/Activity Lead: If applicable, applicants are required to explain why an entity(ies) other than the applicant is the lead. 
    • Budget Table: There will only be one budget table for the total grant award. The applicant will be free to address both hazardous substances and petroleum contaminated sites as they proposed, but will not be required to spend a specific amount on hazardous substances and petroleum sites. 
    • Point/Percentage Distribution: The maximum number of points and the point distribution has changed for each of the grants. 

    The entire list of changes can be found HERE

    All applications must be submitted through  using the “Workspace” feature. Information on the Workspace feature can be found at Workspace Overview Page at The posting is now up on  This is the only method EPA will accept applications; unless the applicant has an approved waiver to submit the application by mail under the Limited Exception Procedure policy (outlined in Appendix 1 of the Guidelines).
    Please take advantage of NJIT TAB’s FREE grant proposal critique services.  The deadline for submitting for a grant critique is October 14, 2020, by close of business.  Send your 10 (or 12) page narrative to in Microsoft Word format.  We anticipate a high volume of grant critique requests; therefore, critiques will be provided on a first come first served basis. We strongly recommend submitting as early as possible.

    The grant guidelines can be viewed at the links below:

    FY 2021 Multipurpose Grant Guidelines

    FY 2021 Assessment Grant Guidelines

    FY 2021 Cleanup Grant Guidelines

    Additional MAC Grant Application Resources

  • 10 Aug 2020 1:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    @HodgonRossLLP provides detailed summary of new financial incentives and stakeholder benefits in New York State for the redevelopment of underutilized properties with alternative energy and beneficial use outcomes. @jdsupra

    Brownfields, landfills, and other underutilized sites are attracting renewable energy developers now more than ever.  In recent months, New York State has sent strong market signals that will drive development to these sites, so they can be put back into beneficial reuse.  The State’s leveraging of incentive dollars is meant to assist in offsetting the historical risk aversion to such redevelopment and ensure smart siting that benefits host communities in a myriad of ways. The State has coupled the increased incentives that will be available to project developers with community-based incentives, such as offsets of ratepayer bills, aimed at further encouraging local governments to seek out these types of redevelopments on certain controlled sites, as well as finding other ways to make these types of sites advantageous to developers.


    Posted August 10, 2020

  • 03 Aug 2020 3:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Brownfields get recognition in the general real estate industry.

    by Erik Martin

    When a commercial or industrial property becomes contaminated with toxins, chemicals, and other pollutants and abandoned, the result is a brownfield. A brownfield can stand as an ugly blight on the area and deter prospective buyers and developers from taking a closer look. Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created a program to encourage the expansion, reuse, or redevelopment of brownfields that provides incentives to invest in these properties. But before committing to a brownfield site, it’s important to know what you’re getting into and prudently ponder:


    Posted August 3, 2020

  • 13 Jul 2020 2:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    @JDSUPRA update on what Tennessee is doing to incentivize brownfield redevelopment through F&E tax credits. 

    Tennessee Expands Brownfield Franchise and Excise Tax Credit

    On March 20, Gov. Lee signed into law SB 2158/HB 2227, which amends the Tennessee statute governing franchise and excise (F&E) tax credits available for brownfield redevelopment. Effective July 1, 2020, the law creates significant new opportunities to incentivize brownfield redevelopment in Tennessee through F&E tax credits. 


    Posted July 13, 2020

  • 13 Jul 2020 2:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) will receive an $800,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Brownfields grant. The NJEDA can use this funding to capitalize a revolving loan fund or to provide subaward grants to communities, developers, and nonprofits carrying out cleanup and redevelopment activities at brownfield sites. EPA also awarded grants to the cities of Camden and Jersey City and the nonprofit Cooper’s Ferry Partnership. In total, the Agency provided nearly $2.1 million to support brownfield remediation in New Jersey.


    Posted July 13, 2020

  • 06 Jul 2020 2:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In her article in the National Law Review, Jennifer Baker describes insurance coverage for historic releases of contaminants more recently identified and regulated. Further, insurance options are currently available to protect you from future emerging contaminants issues.

    Never heard of that chemical? It could be an emerging contaminant, which calls for careful consideration as to whether there is insurance coverage for environmental investigations and remediation that may be required due to its presence in the environment. 


    Posted July 6, 2020

  • 06 Jul 2020 1:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Summary of the EPA's guide to community involvement in brownfield redevelopment. What steps can the community take towards revitalization?

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) recently developed a Guide to help communities with brownfields to more successfully address community revitalization and brownfields-related challenges.  The guide outlines concrete actions communities can take to address these challenges.

    Through the three case studies described in the Guide, it is shown that attracting public or private investment for the reuse of brownfield properties can bring economic and social benefits to communities, in addition to improving environmental conditions.


    Posted July 6, 2020

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