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  • 29 Jun 2020 9:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Vermont Business Magazine

    Brownfield clean-up will soon be underway at the former Montpelier Granite Works (MGW) site. This clean-up is made possible by the revolving loan funds (RLF) of the Agency of Commerce & Community Development (ACCD) and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NRPC). Each is contributing $200,000 in clean-up funding towards the $500,000 total remediation cost. These loans were underwritten by the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA). Both RLFs were capitalized by the US Environmental Protection Agency. 


    Posted June 29, 2020

  • 29 Jun 2020 9:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Geoff Rushton

    In what was once a forge shop, there's a transformation happening, the centerpiece of efforts to date to revitalize the former Cerro Metal Plant in Spring Township.

    It's there that in the coming months the new Axemann Brewery, joined by a relocated Blonde Bistro, will open in Plant 1 of what is now known as Titan Park on Axemann Road.


    Posted June 29, 2020

  • 22 Jun 2020 12:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Five-year investment plan for climate-firendly infrastructure investments from top national leadership includes brownfield redevelopment. @stephaniegidigbi @nrdc 

    By Stephanie Gidigbi

    Congressional leaders unveiled a transformative vision of moving America and the environment forward by investing in 21st century infrastructure.

    The Moving Forward Framework outlines a five-year plan for bold investment in transportation and water infrastructure. The plan shows how the upcoming transportation reauthorization bill and Water Resources Development Act can help us address our climate crisis and prepare for the more extreme weather events we are already experiencing.


    Posted June 21, 2020

  • 15 Jun 2020 3:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Recently proposed regulatory standards in PA generally more stringent and add PFAS, but the proposed increase in lead standard for non-residential use is getting some attention.

    Pennsylvania is proposing to relax its non-residential standard for the concentration of lead allowed in the surface soils of obsolete contaminated properties adhering to its voluntary cleanup program. Such sites, like the South Philadelphia refinery complex, have potential for redevelopment as commercial or industrial ventures.


    Posted June 15, 2020

  • 15 Jun 2020 3:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Press Release from Village of Port Chester

    A more than two year community-led process results in Port Chester adopting in an innovative, ground-up form-based code that sets the course for the community’s future

    At the May 20, 2020 Village of Port Chester Board of Trustees meeting, Port Chester became just the second large municipality in New York State to adopt a municipality-wide form-based code after the City of Buffalo.

    The new form-based zoning code was borne out of the Village’s 2012 Comprehensive Plan, which looked to replace its outdated 1975 zoning code with a new zoning code that would focus growth around the train station, while protecting the Village’s residential neighborhoods. 

    Port Chester’s new code is purely form-based. “Form-based zoning prioritizes the character of neighborhoods, districts and corridors within the community as the central organizing framework of the Village.  With a focus on how the size, shape and design of buildings relate to each other and to the ‘public realm,’ or streetscape, this type of zoning works to create a vibrant streetscape with a mix of uses where appropriate, and balances transportation options to include walking, biking and transit in addition to driving in a car”, stated Brian Wright, Principal of Town Planning and Urban Design Collaborative or TPUDC, the zoning gurus out of Franklin, Tennessee that led the Village’s effort. TPUDC has worked on a number of form-based codes around the country, including Burlington, VT, Birmingham, AL, and Mt. Pleasant, MI, among others. Also part of the TPUDC team was Fisher Associates, who worked on the Green Code out of The City of Buffalo. While Port Chester drew inspiration from best practices nationwide, it tailored its new zoning code to local needs, said Eric Zamft, Director of Planning & Economic Development for the Village. “We took our consultant’s experience and mixed it with our own local flavor,” stated Zamft.

    The code adoption was the result of over two years of community outreach and engagement – under the “Plan the Port” initiative. Plan the Port included over 50 meetings with community members, key stakeholders such as local businesses and not-for-profits, the development community, as well as with each of the Village’s development-related volunteer boards and commissions. This was highlighted by a 10-day visioning and planning event early on in the process entitled “PlanapaloozaTM”. “Central to all of these conversations was an open and honest dialogue about where the community should head into the future,” stated Zamft. “We all coalesced around the objective to ‘Allow the RIGHT type of development in the RIGHT types of places.” Zamft added that Plan the Port was innovative in its engagement, particularly with the Village’s Latino community, as well as how it handled the impacts of potential future development. 

    As part of the required environmental review of the new code, a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) was produced that identified potential impacts and offered mitigation. “The Form-Based Code GEIS is unique in that it tackles socioeconomic impacts head-on, such as affordable housing and displacement, and requires that mitigation measures be taken,” stated Christopher Steers, Village Manager. “In addition, it significantly streamlines the review process so that developers and property owners know exactly what it takes to obtain an approval.”  

    “I am elated with the adoption of the form-based code by the Board of Trustees. Its adoption was the result of the hard work of numerous people and really proves that grass roots efforts pay off,” stated Richard ‘Fritz’ Falanka, the Village’s Mayor. “This type of zoning greatly improves the ability for the Village to attract development while maintaining our historic village character. While change does not happen overnight this zoning will help initiate change and much needed growth, especially as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    “Port Chester can truly say it is ‘Open for Business’,” stated Steers.

    “This is a better code with a better process and is a much better reflection of the community’s values and goals,” Falanka said. “Its Port Chester’s time.”

    The newly adopted code can be found on the Village’s website at:

    All of the project documentation can be found on the Village’s website at:

    Additional information on the project can also be found at:

    Posted June 15, 2020

  • 11 Jun 2020 10:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Dana Schulz,

    After receiving approval from the city, last week, developer BRP Companies revealed renderings for their Bayfront Redevelopment Project in Jersey City along the Hackensack River. Located on a former brownfield site, the 100-acre project will be built in phases, eventually resulting in 8,000 units of mixed-income housing (35 percent of which will be affordable), said to be the largest such project in the region. This fall, construction will kick off on the 16-acre first phase, known as Cove Pointe, which will bring 1,092 units of housing, with 382 set aside as affordable and workforce housing.

    Located on the west side of Jersey City off Route 440, the Bayfront Redevelopment Project site was formerly occupied by the Mutual Chemical Company, later taken over by Honeywell, who ran a chromate chemical plant and was found guilty of dumping toxic waste on the land in the 1990s. According to an article in the Hudson Reporter, in 2005, a judge ordered Honeywell to clean up the site, and in 2018, Jersey City acquired the entire property from the company for $100 million with the goal of increasing the affordable housing requirement from five to 35 percent.

    For the entire article, see

    Posted June 11, 2020

  • 11 Jun 2020 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Susan E. Golden Hilary G. Atzrott, Venable LLP

    Local Law 97 of New York City's Climate Mobilization Act requires certain buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions beginning in 2024. The City is moving forward to implement the law, although certain elements have been affected by the COVID-19 shutdown. Venable's prior summary of Local Law 97 is available here.


    Posted June 11, 2020

  • 09 Jun 2020 1:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has an opening for a Staff Attorney 2 position. Applications close on June 16th. Learn more here:

  • 08 Jun 2020 10:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    State level funding in RI establishing a good track record in Rhode Island @ecori

    By ecoRI News staff

    The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) recently awarded $2 million in matching grants under the state’s Brownfields Remediation and Economic Development Fund to nine projects in four municipalities. The funding was made available by the 2018 Green Economy Bond, which Rhode Island voters approved last November.


    Posted June 8, 2020

  • 08 Jun 2020 10:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Good project summary from Buffalo describing plans to transfer a legacy industrial property into a data center campus. @buffnews

    by The Buffalo News Editorial Board

    The state Department of Environmental Conservation made the right call on the Tonawanda Coke property. A private brownfield cleanup plus a parallel state Superfund remediation will get the toxin-filled land cleaned to the highest standard while restoring part of the property to be put back into productive use. That is a win-win.


    Posted June 8, 2020

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