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  • 09 May 2017 4:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Ross Hoffman;City Limits (NY)

    New York City is experiencing an affordable-housing crisis: working-class neighborhoods are being redeveloped into luxury apartment buildings. As a result, property values increase, leading to rising rents. The original residents of the community have two options: struggle to pay the rent or face eviction. 

    It is not a coincidence that the number of homeless New Yorkers sleeping each night in municipal shelters is 78 percent higher than it was ten years ago. This number is even higher if you include people sleeping on a friend’s sofa. There are over 60,000 homeless people living in New York City. 

    Many of the homeless are employed with decent jobs, such as security guards and assistant teachers, but after paying the family’s bills are unable to afford rising rents. These working-class New Yorkers end up in overcrowded and cramped homeless shelters. Since the 1980s, the city has been supplementing the shelters by placing homeless people into hotels – clearly a problem exists.

    For the entire column, see

  • 08 May 2017 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone today announced that the Suffolk County Landbank has issued a request for proposal (RFP) to revitalize nine blighted, environmentally distressed sites in the Towns of Babylon, Brookhaven and Islip that have been tax-delinquent for an average of 16 years. This is the second time the Landbank has issued a series of RFPs with the intention of placing blighted properties back on the tax roll to improve the region’s economy and facilitate the clean-up of potentially environmentally challenged sites. Proposals are due on June 12, 2017.

    “We will use every tool in our arsenal to revitalize these neglected properties into tax-paying entities and transform each community,” said County Executive Bellone.  “I encourage anyone interested to submit their proposal to the Suffolk County Landbank as we continue to make progress is restoring promise to these locations."

    For the entire article, see

  • 01 May 2017 10:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Mike Despond, WBFO Public Radio (Buffalo, NY)

    If you head east on Broadway from downtown Buffalo, you won't go very far before you see a very large tract of green grass on your left. That seemingly open land near an old theater may be the eventual home of 189  housing units.

    Developers are calling it The Forge on Broadway. The name is in remembrance of the vast industrial complex once on the land. That was Buffalo Forge, a pioneer in ventilation and air conditioning and eventually sold out of town, with the building left to rot for decades before being demolished.

    For the entire article, see

  • 21 Apr 2017 11:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Christina Jedra, Wilmington News Journal (DE)

    Wilmington's Riverfront features restaurants, a boardwalk and a nature center, but 20 years ago it looked a lot like the weedy patch of land at 14th and Church streets today near the Brandywine River.

    "Our 'before' (picture) over there didn't look any better than this one," said Mayor Mike Purzycki standing at the site. "It was pretty forlorn."

    The Brandywine site's "after" picture is yet to be determined, but officials believe it could become an economic driver for northeast Wilmington. To further that goal, the Environmental Protection Agency announced the award of a $197,500 grant to Wilmington on Thursday. The money will be used to study cleanup and development options for the 14th Street site and another location at 12th Street and Governor Printz Boulevard.

    For the entire article, see

  • 19 Apr 2017 2:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a $200,000 Brownfields area-wide planning grant today to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Harrisburg to help plan for health, environmental and economic improvements for the city’s Allison Hill section.

    “This area-wide planning approach sparks the kind of economic development that meets the needs of neighborhoods, and leads to vibrant communities,” said acting EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Cecil Rodrigues, speaking at a press conference at the Hamilton Health Center. “We know that revitalization works best when local communities are directly involved in the process.”

    In 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) used EPA Brownfields funds to clean up a large vacant parcel of land that was once Allison Hill Automotive where the Hamilton Hill Health Center now stands. This property is adjacent to the target area for the new Area Wide Planning grant. The cleanup consisted of removing buildings contaminated with asbestos, and underground storage tanks, as well as treating contaminated soil and groundwater. 

    With this new EPA funding, the Redevelopment Authority will collaborate with partners to plan the cleanup, as well as the revitalization, and infrastructure upgrades that are necessary for neighborhood revitalization. The partners include: PADEP; the City of Harrisburg; the Harrisburg School District; Hamilton Health Center; and, numerous community based organizations such as Tri-County Community Action, and YWCA of Greater Harrisburg.

    "Along with the City of Harrisburg, we are extremely grateful for our long list of community partners,” said Bryan Davis, Executive Director for the Redevelopment Authority. “This EPA funding is crucial to our goals of protecting the health of South Allison Hill’s families, especially the children – while simultaneously removing barriers to economic development and neighborhood improvements that enhance our quality of life.”

    Since the federal brownfields law was passed in 2001, EPA’s brownfields program has assessed and cleaned up thousands of contaminated brownfields sites, returning more than 66,000 acres of land to productive reuse nationwide. The program has created or retained more than 122,000 jobs and leveraged more than $23.7 billion in redevelopment investment in brownfields communities.

    In Pennsylvania, EPA has awarded $66 million in brownfields funding that has been used for assessing nearly 1,000 sites and cleaning up 60.

    For more information on the grant recipients:

  • 11 Apr 2017 4:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    by Michaelle Bond, Philadelphia Inquirer (PA)

    Asleep after a long day at her social-work job, Peggy Miros was jolted awake by a booming voice through a loudspeaker urging her and her neighbors to evacuate their homes.

    A cloud of toxic gas had formed when chemicals accidentally combined at the steel tube manufacturer next to her housing development in East Whiteland Township, Chester County, in the early morning hours of June 9, 1981.

    The EPA later found trichloroethylene (TCE), a degreasing agent linked to cancer, in the property's groundwater. The former Bishop Tube Co. site, which produced stainless steel tubes from the 1950s until 1999, now is host to graffitied and dilapidated buildings, shattered windows, cracked concrete, and overgrown vegetation, one of more than 450,000 contaminated “brownfields” across the nation.

    For the entire article, see
  • 05 Apr 2017 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Katrina Courting, Danbury News-Times (CT)

    President Donald Trump has proposed sharp cuts to the federal agency that helps turn brownfields into productive properties, but Connecticut officials say that won’t keep the state from pressing forward with its own brownfield programs.

    Connecticut has about 1,000 brownfields: properties that are blighted, vacant or underutilized but ripe for cleanup and redevelopment. 

    Most brownfield efforts are undertaken by private owners or by municipalities. In Connecticut, the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection oversees the regulatory components of any needed cleanup while the state Department of Economic and Community Development handles funding and redevelopment.

    For the entire article, see

  • 03 Apr 2017 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Robert Harding, Auburn Citizen (NY)

    As President Donald Trump seeks to slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields program, U.S. Rep. John Katko wants to preserve the initiative - and fund it at higher levels than it receives now. 

    Katko, R-Camillus, and U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, a Connecticut Democrat, unveiled legislation Thursday that reauthorizes the Brownfields program, which technically expired in 2006, through fiscal year 2022. The members of Congress also want $250 million a year to fund the program and increase the cleanup grant amounts from $200,000 to $600,000. 

    The bill would also expand eligibility to include community development organizations, limited liability corporations and nonprofits. 

    For the entire article, see

  • 03 Apr 2017 10:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    >by Sabrina Meriano, Seacoast Online (NH)

    Tropic Star LLC, owner/developer of 31 Route 108, is in the midst of developing the property into a gas station/convenience store. However, the lot is currently classified as a Brownfield site with environmental contaminants that need to be dealt with before it can be redeveloped.

    Tropic Star filed a remedial action plan, or RAP, with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services to address the issue.

    Environmental investigations identified the soils on the property, as well as part of a Department of Transportation right-of-way, as being impacted by hydrocarbons similar to coal tar. This could be the result of the site having been used for auto repair businesses from the late 1960s up until approximately 2001.


    For the entire article, see

  • 02 Mar 2017 2:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Joseph Bebon, Solar Industry

    Renewable energy company Soltage LLC and independent power producer Tenaska have completed a 3.68 MW ground-mounted solar project in Billerica, Mass.

    According to the companies, the project is located on a brownfield site and will generate 4,445 MWh of clean energy annually for four school systems and one local government through 20-year virtual net-metering credit agreements. Project off-takers include the Town of Barre, Mass.; the Tantasqua Regional School District; the Wachusetts Regional School District; the Ralph Mahar Regional School District; and the Petersham Center School.

    The project is located on a 553-acre brownfield industrial complex that included manufacturing and rail yard maintenance facilities, open storage areas, landfills, and former wastewater lagoons surrounded by residential properties and wetlands.


    For the entire article, see

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