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  • 16 Feb 2017 9:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Brooke Constance, White Sun staff writer

    The state has approved the town’s application for a $200,000 brownfields assessment grant to investigate environmental contamination at the Mystic River Boathouse Park property along Greenmanville Avenue.

    The award, which comes through the state’s Department of Economic and Community Development, will provide funding for the first step in the remediation and capping of the coal and slag on the waterfront site from previous residential and industrial activities.

    Last month, the town signed the $2.2 million purchase agreement for the 1.5-acre property. Since then, town officials have begun moving forward with the site’s transformation into a public waterfront park and boathouse for the high school’s crew team with the creation of an implementation committee to oversee the project.


    For the entire article, see
  • 10 Feb 2017 5:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Leslie Albrecht, DNA Info (NY)

    Gourmet grocer Whole Foods earned $12.9 million in publicly funded tax credits for building a store on contaminated land it cleaned up next to the Gowanus Canal, according to recently released data.

    The high-end store's first foray into Brooklyn helped gentrify Gowanus and also helped the company's bottom line through its participation in the state's Brownfield Cleanup Program, which gives developers taxpayer-funded financial incentives for cleaning up and then building on toxic sites.

    Data released Jan. 31 by the state Department of Environmental Conservation, which runs the Brownfield Cleanup Program, show that in 2016 Whole Foods received two tax credits totaling $12,743,942 for building the Gowanus store. The credits are based on the value of the developed property. Whole Foods spent $63,719,710 to construct the store, according to DEC records.

    For the entire article, see

  • 01 Feb 2017 7:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Jeff Saulton, Parkersburg News and Sentinel (WV)

    While a lot of work has been done on the new Spencer’s Landing in Vienna, there is still a lot of work left to do to make about half of the 35-acre site suitable for post-industrial development.

    Vienna Mayor Randy Rapp said the city applied for a Brownfields grant last May and even if the city does not receive the grant, it has received what he called “outstanding help” from the Brownfields Center in Morgantown and the regional council.

    Rapp said the project has received a lot of help from a council member who ran on a platform of moving forward with redevelopment plans and took office at the beginning of this year.


    For the entire article, see

  • 18 Jan 2017 3:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On January 11, 2017, BCONE President Steve Jaffe submitted a letter to Governor Cuomo in support of the $2 million dollars recently allotted for BOA grants in the current budget year. That funding will go to communities that are already in the program and are working toward official designation, which will make their brownfield sites eligible for enhanced tax credits.  BCONE also asked that the program be reinvigorated to a degree that would allow for new communities to seek BOA status.  

    To see the full letter, go to bcone-gov-letter-on-BOA-2017_FINAL_01-11-16.pdf.

  • 18 Jan 2017 3:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The USEPA finalized and recently posted on their website a new document to assist communities and brownfields stakeholders with considering climate mitigation and resiliency when assessing, cleaning up, and redeveloping brownfields properties.  Please share this document with your communities, grantees, and other stakeholders.

    The Climate Smart Brownfields Manual: This manual is an excellent resource for communities that want to consider climate change as they assess, clean up, or redevelop brownfield sites. It provides guidance on best practices for climate change mitigation, adaption, and resilience at all stages of Brownfields work, from planning to redevelopment. In addition, the manual contains case studies and links to additional resources that communities can use as they develop Brownfields project plans.

  • 11 Jan 2017 2:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Thomas Grillo, Lynn Item (MA)

    More than 20 years after a Western Avenue gas station closed and left a blighted lot behind, the city is hoping it will be the next location for much needed housing.

    Lynn Economic Development and Industrial Corp. (EDIC), the city's nonprofit development bank, has applied for a $200,000 Environmental Protection Agency grant to clean up the so-called brownfield site and make it safe for homes. Brownfields are abandoned contaminated commercial sites.

    The saga began in 1988 when the Lynn J. Robert Corp. of Peabody and Jerome Sousa of North Hampton, N.H., acquired the 12,288-square-foot lot at no cost, according to the Southern Essex County Registry of Deeds. In 2012, the city seized the abandoned station for nonpayment of $2,296 in real estate taxes.


    For the entire article, see

  • 05 Jan 2017 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    by Mia Summerson, Niagara Gazette (NY)

    City residents offered primarily favorable comments regarding a development project proposed for a remediated Brownfield site on River Road. 

    Rock One Development of Clarence has requested assistance from the Niagara County Industrial Development Agency in the form of a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) program to help them construct a 100-unit apartment and townhouse complex at 600 River Road.

    Rock One owner Lou Visone said their research has shown that there is in an interest in waterfront housing in North Tonawanda. 

    "Marketing studies have shown that people want to live on, or near, the water," he said. "It's the water that is the draw. They enjoy the canal system and the river system and the view." 

    For the entire article, see
  • 05 Jan 2017 3:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by our colleagues at the Southern NJ Development Council

    Urban enterprise zones that allow businesses to charge a reduced sales tax expired in five New Jersey cities Dec. 31, but legislation to renew them for two years still has a chance.

    Gov. Chris Christie has until the end of the month to decide whether to sign the measure that would allow the UEZs in Newark, Camden, Trenton, Bridgeton, and Plainfield to continue and make the tax reduction retroactive to Jan. 1.

    Established decades ago, the program sought to give an economic boost to struggling communities.

    Michael Darcy, the executive director of the New Jersey League of Municipalities, said Tuesday the uncertainty is tough on businesses located in those zones. "They have to decide whether it may be more advantageous to relocate outside of the zone to an area that offers different benefits for their business," he said. "If these businesses do relocate, it then imposes a greater tax burden on other businesses and residents within the community as a whole."

    That scenario is more likely to unfold in Camden and Trenton, according to Michael Cerra, assistant executive director of the New Jersey League of Municipalities.

  • 03 Jan 2017 10:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    by Nicholas Buonanno, Troy Record (NY)

    The village could soon see new quality housing opportunities with a recent proposed 250 housing unit development near the Hudson River.

    Sean Ward, who is the executive assistant to Green Island Mayor Ellen McNulty-Ryan, said that this proposal is for the south end of Center Island, closer to the Green Island Bridge. Peter Luizzi & Bros. Contracting of Albany is proposing the over $50 million development project in the village on Osgood Avenue.

    Center Island does already have apartments on the north end of it, but this proposal would add over two-hundred housing units between Green Island and Troy.

    "They are looking to build quality housing, along with nice quality life-amenities, such as a marina, offices, restaurants and shops on the southern tip of the island," explained Ward.

    A few months ago, village officials submitted an application with the state Department of Environmental Conservation to accept the proposed project into the state Brownfield Cleanup Program.


    For the entire article, see

  • 03 Jan 2017 10:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    by Pamela MacKenzie, My Central Jersey

    Public Service Electric & Gas, New Jersey's oldest and largest publicly owned utility, is about to bring a new solar farm online in Edison.

    This solar array, which will produce 7.75 megawatts of power — enough to power 1,300 homes — is one of the last sites to come online in the current phase of the utility's Solar 4 All program. When completed, PSE&G will be generating nearly 125 megawatts of power through the Solar 4 All program, which includes arrays on utility poles in North, Central and South Jersey (40 megawatts) and other solar facilities on buildings, brownfields and other sites.

    The new solar array, which has been under construction since June of 2016, is built on the old ILR landfill. It is PSE&G's second solar farm on a landfield or brownfield in Edison. The first was at the PSE&G-owned Silver Lake site at the foot of Silver Lake Avenue, which was polluted around the time of the Civil War.


    For the entire article, see

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