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Chicopee’s Willimansett Brownfields Area-Wide Plan: How Brownfields Can Become Catalysts for Neighborhood Reinvestment

17 Oct 2024 1:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

by Cassie Bethoney - Weston & Sampson

Like many mill towns in the region, the neighborhood of Willimansett in Chicopee, Massachusetts followed a pattern of urban development and had been one of the area’s most thriving industrial centers for over a century. During that time, the neighborhood was almost entirely built out with few land parcels left undeveloped. However, during the mid-20thcentury, businesses began closing, leaving these industrial facilities and structures empty and unused. This situation has continued to impact the neighborhood’s traffic patterns and demographics, which was exacerbated by its bounds - major highways and infrastructure to the north, east, and south and the Connecticut River to the west. Many original settlers in the area moved away, and the neighborhood evolved into a home for a new wave of immigrants from Caribbean and Latin American nations. 

This story is not new. Industry evolves. The demographics of a neighborhood change over time, yet so much potential is tied up in these foundational ‘bones’ of developed land. What some might see as blight – brownfields – are actually opportunities in disguise. The Willimansett Brownfields Area-Wide Plan (AWP) positions five brownfield sites as catalysts for reinvestment in a way that both honors the neighborhood’s industrial past and those who live there today. 

While Willimansett may be challenged in some respects, it has much to offer, from fantastic open spaces, walkability, and a connected commercial corridor, to a shifting demographic just waiting for their culture to be expressed in their surroundings. A younger population means more families, more working age adults, and more community activity, which can provide the energy and entrepreneurism to fuel future growth and prosperity in Willimansett and throughout Chicopee. Housing, jobs, community goods, and services – these things can thrive in the underutilized buildings and vacant brownfields of the neighborhood and are the critical elements of any vibrant neighborhood. This ambitious project is seen as a vital step toward creating a vibrant, connected, and thriving community in Chicopee.

The Willimansett Brownfields AWP, funded by a $300,000 U.S. EPA Community Wide Assessment Grant, presents a strategic roadmap to assess, clean up, and/or repurpose the catalyst brownfield sites for new housing, commercial development, approachable streetscapes, and green spaces. The five key takeaways from the plan are summarized below:

1.  Community-Led Approach: One of the most notable aspects of the plan is its foundation in neighborhood voices. Business owners and local residents, especially those typically hard to reach, shaped the redevelopment strategy to ensure that any transformation set for the neighborhood aligns with the needs of those who live and work there. “We see this as an opportunity to not only clean up these sites but also to foster a new sense of community,” said Mayor John Vieau. 

Engagement was challenging during the planning process. Early on, the project team realized that the standard methods of engagement wouldn’t work in a high renter neighborhood where English is often not the main language spoken at home. A pivot toward strategically aligning with existing community events and asking quick and simple questions (alongside beautiful graphics) was the key to success. By the end of the planning process, the team made just under 2,000 connections.

2.  Boosting Economic and Social Vitality: Both public and private investment are leveraged in this plan, which will create job opportunities, increase affordable housing, and revitalize the local business scene. Five key brownfield sites have been identified as catalysts for change, with redevelopment plans that include residential units, commercial spaces, recreational facilities, and artful expression of neighborhood culture. These sites have the greatest immediate potential for reuse and their redevelopment would be transformative for Willimansett. Some of the key potential benefits to redevelopment identified across the five sites are the following:
  • Many sites are in well-known and visible locations, offering the potential to stimulate additional investment and revitalization in the area, including the sustainable reuse of already developed land.
  • For sites near the Connecticut RiverWalk and Bikeway, this frontage provides opportunities to create visual and physical connections to the waterfront. This offers unique opportunities for dining, and small businesses would benefit from proximity to the RiverWalk and Bikeway.
  • Redevelopment of these sites allows for mixed-uses, including both residential and commercial. This contributes to job creation, shopping and dining options, and addresses the city’s existing housing demand.
  • Residential development could be higher density than single-family. The reuse of these sites also provides an opportunity for affordable housing and home ownership.
  • Improved streetscape and landscape features like tree plantings, bike amenities, and concessions can improve aesthetics and attract businesses and tenants. 
  • Improved streetscapes can also enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety.

These projects are expected to draw more residents and visitors to the area, fueling local economic growth.

3. Environmental and Public Health Gains: Cleaning up hazardous brownfield sites also promises significant environmental and public health benefits. The plan will reduce contamination risks and transform neglected properties into safe, usable spaces for the community. 

4. A Focus on Connectivity: Improving infrastructure and neighborhood connectivity is a core component of the plan. Enhanced pedestrian pathways, bike lanes, and public transportation routes are proposed to better integrate Willimansett with the rest of Chicopee. The Connecticut RiverWalk and Bikeway, which runs along the neighborhood, will become even more of an asset than it already is by offering residents easier access to a network of recreational opportunities.

5. Cultural and Social Revitalization: In addition to economic and environmental goals, the plan emphasizes the importance of preserving Willimansett’s cultural heritage and finding creative ways to express the cultures of those currently living in the neighborhood. People invest in a place when it reflects their values. Public art installations, community events, and green spaces are part of the strategy to celebrate the neighborhood’s diverse population while fostering a strong sense of social cohesion. As the community becomes more diverse, it is essential to acknowledge Willimansett's industrial past while embracing new cultural identities. This balance will breathe new life into the neighborhood.

Looking ahead, the plan sets a precedent for urban redevelopment projects across the region. Willimansett’s transformation will not happen overnight, but this plan is a call to action. It is about creating a future where this neighborhood can thrive economically, environmentally, and socially. With a clear vision in place, the Willimansett Brownfields AWP represents a bold step toward a brighter future for one of Chicopee’s most historically rich neighborhoods and can be a model for other cities faced with similar challenges.

For more information about the Willimansett Brownfields Area-Wide Plan, visit the City of Chicopee’s website or contact the Department of Planning and Development at

The Author:

Cassie Bethoney, RLA, is a Registered Landscape Architect and Project Manager with Weston & Sampson. She can be reached at

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