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  • 04 May 2022 1:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Forty professionals were registered for this informative webinar with insight from Rachel Stopper, Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund (HDSRF) Coordinator at NJDEP’s Office of Brownfield and Community Revitalization (OBCR), Elizabeth Limbrick, Director of Brownfields & Sustainable Systems for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJDEA), and Michele Christina, co-owner of Brownfield Redevelopment Solutions, Inc. (BRS).

    The following are just a few highlights from our program. Please make sure you join us in the future for both in-person and virtual events to receive all the insights, analyses and suggestions from our panels of experts.

    The HDSRF receives more than $10 million dollars every year to reduce the financial burdens on the redevelopment of brownfield sites by municipalities, counties and redevelopment entities. Ms. Stopper described the grant opportunities for public entities to receive funds to cover 100% of the cost of Preliminary Assessments, Site Investigations, and Remedial Investigations. Additional grants are available to cover a portion of the costs for the cleanup of contaminated sites. Both public and private entities that meet HDSRF criteria are also eligible to receive loans for projects.

    Ms. Limbrick described various programs available through NJEDA including Tax Incentives, Grants, Loans and free guidance for municipalities, counties, and non-profit organizations through the NJ Brownfield Assistance Center at NJIT. A Brownfield Assessment Grant is also available for underfunded communities in Bayonne, Bridgeton, Paterson and Perth Amboy. Under this program, NJEDA’s contractors complete the environmental investigations for certain projects.

    Ms. Christina described how BRS helps municipalities to bundle multiple funding sources using Berry Lane Park in Jersey City, NJ, as a case study. Various Federal, State, County and other funding sources were used to complete the investigation and remediation of 11 properties formerly used as rail yards, auto repair shops, industrial facilities and warehouses. These former contaminated properties are now the largest municipal park in Jersey City with opportunities for active and passive recreation.


    Tim Mangold, Pennoni, served as the moderator for the session and facilitated the discussion of additional topics related to Brownfield Redevelopment.

    BCONE would like to thank all of our webinar attendees for their participation in our Roundtable discussion. Please remember to check BCONE’s calendar as we continually add more educational and networking opportunities.

    A special thank you to our Annual Double Platinum Sponsors!

    Posted May 4, 2022

  • 03 Mar 2022 10:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    BCONE had an amazing turnout at our in-person networking event at the Barcelona Wine Bar in West Hartford, Connecticut on March 1, 2022. It was so nice to catch up with friends and colleagues from BCONE, CTSWEP, EPOC, and many others who were interested in getting more involved with the Brownfields Coalition of the Northeast. 




    A huge thank you to Nancy Struzenski from Alpha Analytical and Almariet Roberts from HRP Associates for helping organize this event. We’d also like to thank our event sponsors, Alpha Analytical, Resource Options, Day Pitney, and Pullman & Comley. 


    And a special thank you to our Double Platinum Annual Sponsors who help us to provide quality educational and networking opportunities throughout the year.

    Posted March 3, 2022

  • 01 Mar 2022 10:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Twenty people spent part of their morning on February 24, 2022, learning about Thermal Remediation at brownfield redevelopment sites and earning continuing education credits applicable for LSRP, PE and PG licenses.  Presenters John Haas  of Terra Therm and Gary Angyal of Ramboll were totally engaging and provided lots of useful information about the application of the technology at two NJ sites. They also mentioned its application at sites elsewhere in the Northeast.  A big thank you to Ramboll for also being the event sponsor.

    Alan Miller of NJDEP and Bill Silverstein of GEI moderated the Roundtable discussion and raised thoughtful questions.  Knowing their audience and hot topics, John and Gary mentioned that thermal remediation is effective on PFAS and 1, 4 dioxane in soil (not groundwater), although the sites described in depth had other contaminants of concern. Other lessons learned that were shared by the speakers:  account for subsurface obstructions, know who to talk to at the utilities and at the permitting agency(ies), and give yourself lots of lead time for required interactions with both groups. Plan for site security (high voltage equipment, chemical storage, and high visibility) and plan for community relations, especially if working in populated areas.

    One interesting question raised was whether NJDEP considers thermal remediation as an innovative technology for purposes of RFS posting.  The moderators and BCONE staff didn’t know the answer but obtained one from NJDEP quickly:  it depends on the case specifics! 

    Posted March 1, 2022

  • 17 Feb 2022 3:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks to our colleague from the NYCBP, attorney David Freeman,  and BCONE Board Member Emeritus, Larry Schnapf, for sharing their recent article on the future of the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program: 

    BCONE President Rick Shoyer and BCONE’s Executive Director, Sue Boyle are working with both gentlemen and a coalition of organizations including the NYS League of Conservation Voters and REBNY on BCP improvements for legislative consideration.

    Posted February 17, 2022

  • 27 Jan 2022 11:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On January 19, 2022, the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE), the NJ Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (NJ LSRPA), the NJ Chapter of the Society of Women Environmental Professionals (NJ SWEP), and the New York City Brownfield Partnership (NYCBP) collaborated on one of the largest webinars that any of those organizations has hosted in several years.  What was the topic that drew the attention of 200+ participants?  Changes to the ASTM Due Diligence standard from the experts who participated in  the design of the revised standard that resulted from over  75 meetings. 

    Moderated by Kathi Stetser and Michelle Martin, both LSRPs from GEI Consulting, with content provided and presented by Chemmie Sokolic, Falcon Real Estate Group; Chris Martell, ESA Environmental Consultants, and Larry Schnapf, Esq. of Schnapf LLC, attendees heard about the ASTM standards update process; new and revised definitions; records review and “The Big 4” property records; emerging contaminants and how they are handled under the updated standard; shelf life of thestandards and of the documents prepared; and important new appendices.

    If you missed the webinar, here is our gift to you:  these are “The Big 4” property records: i) aerial photographs, ii) fire insurance maps, iii) local street directories, and iv) historical topographic maps. 

    The session was recorded;  the Boards of Directors of the four organizations are discussing the release process.  If interested, contact for further information. 

    Posted January 27, 2022

  • 03 Jan 2022 2:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    BCONE joined with  eleven other environmental, business, and social justice organizations from throughout NYS to inform Gov. Hochul of the importance pf a long-term reauthorization of the Brownfields Cleanup Program.  You can find the letter here.  BCONE’s frequent organization partner, the New York City Brownfield Partnership, is credited with October 2021 report that quantifies the number of cleanups under the program and the on-site rate of return ratio of $6.63 in private development for every $1 of tax credits. For the entirety of the BCP, $17.61 billion in private investment has resulted from  $2.77billion in tax credits.

    Posted January 3, 2022

  • 22 Nov 2021 3:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On November 18th, we had a joint event with the New York City Brownfield Partnership on the impacts of COVID. This was Part 4 of an ongoing series we have been holding. 

    Based on this event, we have some suggested reading material for all those who are interested:

    Posted November 22, 2021
  • 18 Nov 2021 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Held on Nov 9, 2021, and attended by over 40 enthusiastic members, the BCONE Board of Directors provided a year in review of BCONE activities, the current and proposed budget revenue sources and expenditures and an introduction to the new committee structure.  Click here for a complete copy of the meeting’s PowerPoint presentation. 

    The attendees were extremely helpful in providing answers to 9 poll questions found here, assisting the Board in its decisions on what type of events to hold in 2022, whether they should be virtual or in person and other input.

    If you did NOT attend the Annual meeting, but want to make your voice heard, send us an email at, and let us know your answer to the poll questions, your recommendations for 2022 events and activities, and let us know which committee you want to join so you can help direct the future of YOUR BCONE.

    Here are some suggestions we heard from attendees; let us know what you think and feel free to add to the list:

    1. Top Golf for a networking event.
    2. Put up more Success Stories (and feature them in events/courses). Would love to!  Send us the stories.
    3. Food pairings with wine or with beer as a networking event. How about a beer and bacon pairing?
    4. Select a charity to feature for awareness at every event.
    5. Work with existing mentoring groups in our BCONE region  and offer Internships.             
    6. Create a revenue goal for 2022, and have a giant thermometer on website or at Board Meetings to show how BCONE is doing meeting the goal.
    7. Social media training for BCONE members.
  • 15 Nov 2021 2:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The BCONE Pennsylvania Expansion Committee held a “Tour and Pour” event on November 10, 2021, in downtown Reading. The walking tour was hosted by the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance and Alvernia University. During the tour, several redevelopment sites were visited including the Wells Fargo Building on Penn Street.

    Developer Alan Shuman, owner of the Shuman Development Group, led a tour through the building and discussed different aspects of the project including environmental issues that were addressed. The group also visited Alvernia University’s new Reading CollegeTowne facility, a dynamic extension of main campus which showcases Alvernia’s student-centric approach to learning.

    The five-story complex brings hundreds of students, faculty and staff to downtown Reading every day, nurturing economic development in the City and bringing a thriving new energy to the Penn Street corridor. Dr. Rodney Ridley discussed the history of CollegeTowne and the O’Pake Institute as well as the challenges currently facing higher education. Alvernia students lead BCONE members on a tour of the facility.

    The event concluded with an evening networking session at the Saucony Creek Franklin Station Brew Pub, which is a repurposed railroad station dating to the 1930’s. 

    Look for more “Tour and Pour” events from the PA Expansion Committee in 2022.

    Posted November 15, 2021

  • 11 Nov 2021 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Steve Dwyer 

    How does one put a positive spin on a pandemic? Maria Coler found two bona fide ways to do it: forming a virtual BCONE book club and starting a hiking club. Both are gaining traction and getting high marks from participants at a time when they need it most.    

    Coler, President of Hydrotechnology Consultants Inc. (HCI), Jersey City, N.J., formed the BCONE Brownfields, Books and Beer Club -- formatting it as a virtual event -- during the early part of 2020, when people were working remotely and stuck at home for long periods of time.  

    “My aim has been to raise the environmental consciousness of brownfield practitioners.” The iconic stories demonstrate that the average person possesses the ability to effect real and substantial change,” Coler says.  

    Coler envisions the book club as a potential gateway to attracting new people to BCONE and the brownfield industry. One pre-existing challenge is that many budding environmental professionals opt for careers in more “sexy” fields, such as renewable energy, sustainability and climate change. Many overlook brownfields as a career.

    “Anyone living around contaminated sites or those teaching about contaminated sites -- they all have the power to convey information about these sites,” says Coler, who has more than 15 years of experience in the environmental consulting field and is a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) with the state of New Jersey. 

    There are some compelling historical examples about lessons learned --and they are being showcased in the book club.  

    Coler cites Love Canal during the late 1970s as something that has impacted peoples’ “heads and, more importantly, their hearts. That environmental saga changed the world and highlighted  how human health and safety have been put in peril. The purpose of the book club is to remind people of the arc of environmental consciousness: where we are and how much further we need to go.” 

    Coler cites scientists and citizen activists who have propelled the environmental movement forward. One is Rachel Carson. The book club participants were exposed to the voice and courage that Carson exuded in her iconic book “Silent Spring,” which challenged the practices of agricultural scientists and the government, calling for change in the way humankind viewed the natural world.

    In writing the book, Carson, a writer, scientist and ecologist spoke out to remind that humanity is a vulnerable part of the natural world, and is subject to the same damage as the rest of the ecosystem. Testifying before Congress in 1963, Carson called for new policies to protect human health and the environment. Carson, who died in 1964, grew up in the rural river town of Springdale, PA. 

    “It was an awakening—it informed the whole environmental movement of the1960s, and it woke up a generation, so we started with that book,” says Coler. 

    Coler says that without Rachel Carson there would be no Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation -- all at the age of 18.

    “It’s a passing of the baton -- and it’s a narrative that says, ‘never underestimate the ability of a small group of people to change the world,' in fact, it’s often the small groups that effect change most dramatically.” 

    The group has also read “Love Canal: A Toxic History from Colonial Times to the Present” (Richard S. Newman) and Pulitzer Prize winner, “Toms River” (Dan Fagin.)

    In the summer of 1978, residents of Love Canal, Niagara Falls, N.Y., protested against the leaking toxic waste dump in their midst, a 16-acre site containing 100,000 barrels of chemical waste that infested their neighborhood. Initially seeking evacuation, area activists soon found they were engaged in a far larger battle over the meaning of America’s industrial past and its environmental future. 

    “While Silent Spring produced a narrative centered around the dangers of pesticides, Love Canal and Toms River opened the nation’s eyes to hazardous waste. in their midst.” 

    “We are exploring the commonalities of these stories -- you have these archetypes who are integral to each story: the attorney who won’t give up, the citizen scientist who won’t take no for an answer, the civil servant who acts out of a sense of duty, and the scientist who vows to take a closer look, despite conventional wisdom.” 

    In the case of Love Canal, the activist citizens exerted enough pressure that it forced former President Jimmy Carter to sign sweeping legislation now known as Superfund. “The aim of the book club is to attract people to the mission of remediating brownfield sites. To build a sustainable 21st century, we must address the vestiges of the 19th and 20th centuries.”

    “These stories teach us that these are hard-earned rights—that we have to keep earning them every day,” says Coler, who holds a B.S. in Environmental Science, B.A. in Physics and minor in English Literature from Rutgers University and who is often retained as an expert witness. “These stories have the seeds of knowledge to help us build a sustainable world. They are not radical stories. They are the stories of regular citizens fighting for their basic rights to live in safe neighborhoods with clean water, soil, and air.” 

    The book club has evolved from a few core members to nearly 20 registered participants.  Coler is a guest lecturer on topics covered in the book club for the Phase I/Phase II course taught by Angelo Lampousis, a BCONE board member and City College of New York (CCNY) professor. Students from the CCNY class and the Stevens Institute of Technology program led by Professor Dibyendu “Dibs” Sarkar are invited to join the book club and gain extra credits, as well as a unique understanding of the brownfield industry and the history of the environmental movement in the United States. Inquisitive students often remain on the Zoom call to ask questions long after the book club session is over. “My goal is to increase the participation of graduate and undergraduate students, to plant the seeds of environmental awareness and to give them a reason to join the effort to remediate contaminated sites across the country and the world.”

    Regarding the hiking club, Coler had to “re-think activities that were possible and safe when Covid hit. The hikes create a sense of community and environmental awareness. A geology field guide explains the ancient origins of the land features, while an ecology field guide describes the flora and fauna indigenous to the area and how the ecosystem may have changed over time with human intervention and environmental degradation.

    Photos from some of the hiking trips and the tea ceremony.

    Coler and Anne Lazo, BCONE webmaster, avid hiker and runner, and owner of Eagle Soars, a marketing firm, are taking the hiking club to “the next level” in the spring of 2022, when an overnight excursion is planned on the Appalachian Trail. In addition to ecology and geology field guides, and with a nod to recent severe weather events, Coler and Lazo plan to enlist the involvement of a survivalist, who will teach the participants survival skills such as foraging and fire building. Look for registration information in 2022.

    Lazo backpacking on the AT in North Carolina with her nephew.

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